
この記事にたどり着いたみなさんは、すでに「SEO」という言葉を聞いたことがあると思いますが、その仕組みはご存知でしょうか。 eコマースの急速な成長に伴い、人々は常にオンラインマーケティングの専門スキルを向上させています。その中で最も重要なものは、コンテンツマーケティングとSEOです。
Hello, I am planner Lisa from ATTA Design! When you enter this article, I assumed that you might have heard the word “SEO” already but you don’t know where to start. With the rapid growth of e-commerce, people are constantly improving their professional skills in online marketing, the most important of which is nothing more than content marketing and SEO.
This article will give you the basic introduction and essential functions of SEO.
What is SEO?
SEOの英語正式名称はSearch Engine Optimizationです。
この言葉を聞いて、みなさんの中には、すでに何を意味しているのか想像がついているかもしれません。 SEOとは、検索エンジンを通じてWebサイトのコンテンツを最適化し、オーガニック検索(自然検索)のランキングを改善する手法です。
The full name of SEO is “Search Engine Optimization”. From the words you probably can guess what it means already. SEO is a practice of optimizing your website contents so they can be discovered through search engines, as well as improving the rankings in the organic search, also known as non-paid search results.

Why do you need SEO? What can it bring you?
Now, you might think that SEO sounds like an engineer’s job. Why do we need it and what are the benefits? Is it possible for everyone to do it? Of course, you can! In this digital era, there are many businesses that are thriving at their best to be seen. It is very important to expose your business as much as possible. When a website is found in the first few search results after consumers enter relevant keywords, then it means that this website has a very high possibility of being noticed by consumers. In this case, it is the time when you need SEO.
So, what are the benefits? Here are 5 good points of using SEO:
1. It’s a long-term effective strategy.
2. It helps you to build brand awareness and improve the brand’s credibility.
3. Good SEO gives you a better user experience.
4. It helps you to increase engagement and traffic with high conversion.
5. It impacts the consumer’s research and buying circle.

SEOがもたらすメリットを理解した後、これらの優れた点を実現する方法の次のステップに進みます。 SEOを理解する前に、クロール、インデックス、ランキングなどの検索エンジンの動作を最初に理解することが非常に重要です。
After knowing the benefits of what SEO can bring you, we will move on to the next step of how to fulfill these good points. Before you comprehend the SEO, it’s very important to understand the operation of search engines first, which are crawling, indexing, and ranking.
How does SEO work?
When you enter the keyword that you want to search on Google, you must have seen the page like this:

You can see the “Ad” sign right above the first search result, it means that it is a paid advertisement. On the other hand, the blue highlighted part refers to the organic search results, which are those results that appear directly below the pay-per-click adverts in search engines.
Google is committed to providing users with relevant and credible web content. They will evaluate web page keywords, pictures, links, page weights, and other factors to give the final search results ranking. This is called Google search algorithm
オーガニック検索結果の上部にWebサイトを表示させる方法を知ることは、SEOの仕組みを知ることと同じことです! SEOコンテンツ戦略は、主に2つの部分、キーワード調査とオンページSEOに分かれています。これらをGoogle検索アルゴリズムと組み合わせると、各ウェブページがランキング競争力を向上させるのに役立ちます。
How to make the website appears at the top of the organic search result? This is how SEO works! SEO content strategy is mainly divided into 2 parts-Keyword Research and On-page SEO. Once you combine them with the Google search algorithm, together they can assist each webpage to improve its ranking competitiveness.
Keyword Research
First, you need to understand who your target is and what exactly they are looking for. You need to think as a consumer and what keyword they will search to solve their problems. Only by searching for keywords to find potential customers can these potential customers be identified, thereby increasing the conversion rate.
You can also simply use the Google search engine’s drop-down menu to find what people search for these words or what they may be looking for.

On-page SEO
On-page SEO is a method of optimizing a webpage in order to gain a higher rank in search engines and get more relevant traffic. There are many ways to increase webpage exposure, such as optimizing your headlines, HTML tags, title, meta description, header, images, links, and so on.
It is very important to pick your title, it will directly affect the ranking of keyword search. When you are searching for something online, the first thing that will catch your eyes is definitely title. In addition, a great headline can also leave an impression for users, so it is essential to create them strategically. You can also add keywords to the Meta description in order to reach the probability of being found.
Heading Tag
見出しタグのH1タグは、SEOにおいて重要な要素のひとつです。H1はWebページのタイトルでよく使用されます。 H1タグには、ページの最も重要な情報とキーワードを含める必要があるため、ユーザーが検索結果を表示しているときに、H1タイトルを通じて検索キーワードを強調表示できます。
Heading Tag is one of the most important elements when it comes to SEO, especially H1. H1 is often used in the title of a webpage. The H1 tag needs to include the most important information and keywords of the page, so when users are viewing the search results, they can highlight their search keywords through the H1 title.

It is also important to have a distinguishable website name (URL). Under the search engine’s algorithm, it is preferred to have narrative and permanent URL names because this refers to a website with higher quality.
When writing your web content, it is essential to write something that is user-friendly. In short, the content must not only meet the consumers’ needs but also the algorithm logic. Technology is always changing, so do users’ intentions and world trends. Constantly updating your content and optimizing website structure is an indispensable part of SEO operations.