
12/27、アッタデザインはWeWork 渋谷スクランブルスクエアで納会を行いました!
Hello, I’m Lisa from the planning team, I joined Atta Design since November 2019. On 2019/12/27, it was my first time to attend Atta Design’s “Noukai,” aka “The last meeting of the year.”Everyone gathered together to review the past year and discuss how we could be better in the coming year.
With beer, We cheer!
WeWork opened in Shibuya Scramble Square last year. The environment is really great and comfortable. The office is located on the 39th floor that you can see the Tokyo Tower and Skytree very clearly. Most importantly, WeWork provides an “All-You-Can-Drink” buffet in the lobby for customers. Atta Design had our last meeting of the year in this awesome office surrounded by unlimited beer, Cheers!

A Review of 2019
2019年はアッタデザインにとって特別な年でした。3人の新しい仲間を獲得し、そのうち2人は台湾出身です。外国人をリクルートするのはアッタデザインにとって初めてです。さまざまな文化から学べることはたくさんあります。実際、アッタデザインにとって大きな進歩でした。Ehon inc.など、当社の品質を改善するために多くの新しい挑戦をしました。
2019 had been a different year for Atta Design. We got three new employees, and two of them are from Taiwan. It is Atta Design’s first time to recruit foreigners, there are many things that we can learn from different cultures. It was actually big progress for Atta Design. We experienced and made a lot of new changes to improve our company’s quality, including Ehon inc.
At the beginning of the meeting, Kuninori San asked everyone to share what we have learned over this year and what we wish to improve in 2020. I have been staying in Atta for about three months now. I was really impressed by my co-workers’ working ability. Everyone is very hard-working and talented.
Working in Atta Design makes me realize that “Language is not the only way of communication.”Everyone in Atta Design is very patient and friendly, they always gave me great suggestions whenever I need help regardless of the language barrier.

2020のスローガン: "お客様第一!"
The Slogan of 2020:"Customers First!"
アッタデザインは、エネルギー、創造性、若い心に満ちた代理店です。 2020年には、私たちの前に多くの課題と障害があるかもしれませんが、私たちの考え方は常に顧客を最優先事項とすることです。お客様に最高の品質を提供するために最善を尽くします。みなさん、元気で素晴らしい新年をお迎えください!
Atta Design is an agency full of energy, creativity, and young spirits. There might be a lot of challenges and obstacles ahead of us this year, but our mindsets are always to put clients as the top priority. We will do our best to provide the highest quality for our clients. We wish everyone a cheerful and wonderful new year!